The Slim Framework package for Palzin Monitor provides application performance monitoring capabilities for Slim-based applications. It seamlessly integrates with your Slim application, automatically instruments the code, and records performance metrics related to HTTP requests, database queries, and other operations. By utilizing this package, you can easily monitor and analyze the performance of your Slim application.
Before getting started, make sure your server meets the following requirements:
To install the latest version of the package, use the following composer command:
composer require palzin-apm/palzin-slim
To make the Palzin Monitor (APM) agent available within your Slim application, you need to register the Palzin Monitor instance inside the application container. It is recommended to use environment variables to store your project's ingestion key. Here's an example of how to register the Palzin Monitor instance:
use DI\ContainerBuilder;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
return function (ContainerBuilder $containerBuilder) {
// Other service definitions...
'palzin' => function (ContainerInterface $container) {
$configuration = new \Palzin\Slim\Configuration('PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY');
return new \Palzin\Palzin($configuration);
with your actual Palzin Monitor (APM) ingestion key and 'PALZIN_APM_URL'
with the URL provided by Palzin.
To monitor all incoming HTTP traffic, you can attach the Palzin Monitor middleware globally or to specific routes. Here are examples of both:
Attach globally:
Attach to specific routes:
$app->get('/home', function () {
// Your code here...
Create a test route and open it in the browser at http://localhost:8080.
$app->get('/test', function () {
throw new \Exception('My First Exception Palzin Monitor (APM) Exception.');
You should receive your first notification within a few seconds.
You can add segments to the transaction's timeline from route functions. Here's an example:
$app->get('/', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
$this->get('palzin')->addSegment(function () {
// Your code here...
}, 'sleep');
return $response;
If your routes are organized using controllers, you need to inject the container into the controller constructor to retrieve the Palzin Monitor agent during execution. Here's an example:
namespace App\Controllers;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
class TestRouteController
protected $container;
* Inject the container to retrieve the Palzin Monitor instance later.
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
$this->container = $container;
public function __invoke(Request $request, Response $response)
// Use the Palzin Monitor instance from
the container.
$this->container->get('palzin')->addSegment(function () {
// Your code here...
}, 'sleep');
$response->getBody()->write('Test route.');
return $response;
Ensure that you replace 'PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY'
with your actual Palzin Monitor (APM) ingestion key and URL respectively.
This guide provides you with the necessary steps to integrate Palzin Monitor with your Slim Framework application. By following these steps, you can easily monitor and analyze the performance of your Slim application using Palzin Monitor.
It takes less than a minutes to setup your first monitoring.