How to Whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare

Palzin Monitor is a powerful monitoring solution that helps you keep track of your infrastructure's performance and uptime. To ensure seamless monitoring and prevent any disruption to Palzin Monitor's monitoring requests, it's important to whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare. By whitelisting these IPs and User Agent, you allow Palzin Monitor to access your resources through Cloudflare without triggering false incident alerts. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare.

Obtaining the List of Palzin Monitor IPs

Palzin Monitor maintains a list of IPs used by their resources, which can be found at You can access this link to obtain the most up-to-date list of Palzin Monitor IPs.

Whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare

To whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare account and select the desired domain where you want to whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent.

  2. Go to the Firewall section in the Cloudflare dashboard.

  3. Click on the Access Rules tab.

  4. Under the IP Firewall section, click on the Create a Firewall Rule button.

  5. In the rule configuration panel, set the following options:

    • Field: IP Address
    • Operator: in
    • Value: Paste each Palzin Monitor IP address, obtained from the link, individually.
  6. Click on the AND button to add another condition to the rule.

  7. In the new condition, set the following options:

    • Field: User Agent
    • Operator: contains
    • Value: Palzin-Monitor
  8. Click on the Save button to create the firewall rule.

  9. Repeat steps 4-8 for each Palzin Monitor IP address.

Once you have added all the necessary firewall rules for Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent, Cloudflare will allow access to your resources from these IPs and User Agent without triggering any security measures.

It's important to note that the above steps apply to the IP Firewall feature in Cloudflare. If you are using a different feature or configuration in Cloudflare, please refer to the appropriate documentation to whitelist IPs and User Agent.


Whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare is essential to ensure uninterrupted monitoring and prevent false incident alerts. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs and User Agent, allowing seamless access to your resources through Cloudflare. This enables Palzin Monitor to monitor your infrastructure effectively and provide accurate incident alerts. Remember to update the list of Palzin Monitor IPs periodically and review your Cloudflare configuration to ensure the whitelisting rules remain up to date.

Last updated: 1 second ago

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