How to Whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW

Palzin Monitor is a powerful monitoring platform that helps you keep track of your infrastructure's uptime and performance. To ensure seamless monitoring and prevent any interference with Palzin Monitor's monitoring requests, it is important to whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs in your UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) setup. By whitelisting these IPs, you allow Palzin Monitor to access your server without triggering any false incident alerts. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps of whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW.

Obtaining the List of Palzin Monitor IPs

Palzin Monitor provides a link,, that contains the list of IPs used by Palzin Monitor resources. This file includes all the necessary IP addresses that need to be whitelisted to allow Palzin Monitor to access your server.

Whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW

To whitelist the Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal and log in to your server.

  2. Retrieve the list of Palzin Monitor IPs by running the following command:


    This command will fetch the list of Palzin Monitor IPs from the provided link.

  3. Whitelist each IP individually by running the following command for each IP:

    sudo ufw allow from <ip_address>

    Replace <ip_address> with each IP address obtained from the previous step.

  4. Once you have whitelisted all the Palzin Monitor IPs, you can verify the UFW rules by running the command:

    sudo ufw status

    This will display the active UFW rules, including the newly added rules for Palzin Monitor IPs.

That's it! You have successfully whitelisted Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW. Palzin Monitor will now be able to access your server without any interference from the firewall.

Remember to keep the list of Palzin Monitor IPs updated and regularly check for any changes or additions. This ensures that your UFW configuration remains accurate and up to date with Palzin Monitor's IP addresses.

By whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW, you can ensure uninterrupted monitoring and accurate incident alerts from Palzin Monitor for your infrastructure.


Whitelisting Palzin Monitor IPs in UFW is a crucial step to ensure seamless monitoring and prevent any false incident alerts. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily whitelist Palzin Monitor IPs in your UFW setup. With proper IP whitelisting, Palzin Monitor will be able to access your server without any interference, allowing you to benefit from its powerful monitoring capabilities.

Last updated: 1 second ago

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