How to Use Palzin Monitor with NodeJs


The Palzin Monitor (APM) Node.js package simplifies the process of monitoring the performance of your Node.js applications. By automatically instrumenting your application, it records performance metrics related to HTTP requests, database queries, custom code segments, and more. This guide will help you get started with using Palzin Monitor with your Node.js application.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js: You can download and install Node.js from

Step 1: Install Palzin Monitor Node.js Package

You can easily install the Palzin Monitor Node.js package using npm. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:


npm install @palzin-apm/palzin-nodejs --save


npm install @palzin-apm/palzin-nodejs --save

Step 2: Configure the Ingestion Key and URL

To use Palzin Monitor, you need to configure it with your ingestion key and URL. You can obtain these by creating a project in your Palzin Monitor (APM) dashboard.

If you use dotenv for managing environment variables, add the following lines to your environment file (e.g., .env):


PALZIN_APM_URL=[your Palzin Monitor domain]

Step 3: Initialize Palzin Monitor

You should initialize Palzin Monitor as early as possible in your Node.js application. Import the Palzin Monitor module and initialize it with your configuration:

const palzin = require('@palzin-apm/palzin-nodejs')({

    ingestionKey: 'YOUR_INGESTION_KEY',



// Continue with the rest of your script...

Step 4: HTTP Request Monitoring

If your Node.js application handles HTTP requests, you can start monitoring them automatically. Ensure that you start a transaction as soon as possible in your web server code. Here's an example using a custom web server:

const http = require('http');

const palzin = require('@palzin-apm/palzin-nodejs')({

    ingestionKey: 'YOUR_INGESTION_KEY',



// Setup routes and route handlers

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {

    // Start the transaction

    // Your route handling logic here...
    // End the transaction



server.listen(3000, () => {

    console.log('Server is running on port 3000');


Step 5: Custom Segments

Palzin Monitor allows you to monitor custom code segments within your application. You can use this feature to gain insights into specific parts of your code. Here's how to add custom segments:

const palzin = require('@palzin-apm/palzin-nodejs')({

    ingestionKey: 'YOUR_INGESTION_KEY',




palzin.addSegment(() => {

    // Your custom code here...

}, 'custom-segment', 'Custom Segment Label');

In the example above, we added a custom segment labeled "Custom Segment Label." You can include any code block you want to monitor using this method.

Step 6: Exception Monitoring

Palzin Monitor automatically reports unhandled exceptions, ensuring you receive real-time alerts for unexpected errors. However, you can also manually report exceptions if needed. Here's how:

try {

    // Your code statements here...

} catch (e) {

    // Report the exception



By reporting exceptions intentionally, you can collect diagnostic data and receive real-time alerts for specific exceptions without blocking the execution of your code.


You've successfully integrated Palzin Monitor with your Node.js application. It will now record performance metrics and provide valuable insights into your application's behavior. Monitor the Palzin Monitor dashboard for real-time alerts and performance analysis to ensure your application runs smoothly and efficiently.

Ensure that you replace 'PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY' and 'PALZIN_APM_URL' with your actual Palzin Monitor (APM) ingestion key and URL respectively.

This guide provides you with the necessary steps to integrate Palzin Monitor with your Slim Framework application. By following these steps, you can easily monitor and analyze the performance of your Slim application using Palzin Monitor.

Last updated: 1 second ago

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