Guide to DNS Monitoring

Guide to DNS Monitoring

Palzin Monitor


DNS (Domain Name System) is a critical component of the internet infrastructure that translates domain names into IP addresses. DNS monitoring ensures the availability and integrity of DNS records, allowing you to proactively detect and resolve any issues that may affect your domain's accessibility. In this guide, we will explore how DNS monitoring works, why it is essential, and how you can start DNS monitoring using Palzin Monitor.

How does DNS monitoring work?

DNS monitoring involves regularly checking DNS records to verify their accuracy and responsiveness. Monitoring tools like Palzin Monitor perform DNS lookups to retrieve DNS information about a specific domain. This includes querying various DNS servers to obtain the domain's A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, and TXT records. By comparing the retrieved records with the expected values, DNS monitoring tools can identify discrepancies or failures and alert you accordingly.

How to look up DNS records of a specific domain?

To look up DNS records for a specific domain, you can use DNS checker tools. These tools allow you to query DNS servers and retrieve the associated records. Some common steps involved in looking up DNS records are:

  1. Access a DNS checker tool like MX Toolbox or DNSstuff.
  2. Enter the domain name you want to query.
  3. Select the type of DNS record you want to retrieve (A, AAAA, MX, etc.).
  4. Initiate the DNS lookup.
  5. The tool will display the corresponding DNS records for the domain.

DNS monitoring tools perform similar lookups automatically and provide continuous monitoring of the DNS records.

What is a DNS incident?

A DNS incident occurs when there is an issue with the DNS records of a domain. This can include situations where the DNS records are incorrect, missing, or unresponsive. DNS monitoring tools detect these incidents by comparing the actual DNS records with the expected values. When an incident is detected, an alert is generated to notify you of the issue.

How to receive DNS incident alerts?

Palzin Monitor offers various alerting options to ensure you receive timely notifications about DNS incidents. These options include:

  • Phone call: Ideal for critical pages that require 24/7 availability.
  • SMS: Suitable for less critical alerts or as a complementary method.
  • E-mail: Recommended for less critical monitoring or in combination with other methods. Whitelisting the Palzin Monitor domain in your email client ensures that incident alerts are marked as important.
  • Mobile app push notification: An effective secondary alerting method, available for both iOS and Android devices.

By setting up your preferred alerting options in Palzin Monitor, you can stay informed about any DNS incidents affecting your domain.

Process after receiving an alert: The DNS incident resolution process

When you receive a DNS incident alert, it's essential to follow a structured incident resolution process. Here are the key steps involved:

  1. Identify the issue: Analyze the alert details and investigate the root cause of the DNS incident. This may include checking for DNS misconfigurations, server issues, or domain registration problems.
  2. Notify relevant stakeholders: Communicate the incident to the appropriate teams, such as developers, system administrators, or DNS providers, if necessary. Collaboration and coordination are crucial for resolving DNS incidents efficiently.
  3. Troubleshoot and resolve: Take necessary actions to resolve the DNS issue. This may involve correcting DNS records, updating configurations, or reaching out to DNS service providers for assistance.
  4. Verify the resolution: After implementing the necessary fixes, validate the DNS changes to ensure the issue is resolved. Perform additional DNS lookups to confirm that the

correct records are now in place. 5. Document and learn: Maintain a record of the DNS incident, including its cause, resolution steps, and any lessons learned. This documentation will help in future incident response and prevention efforts.

Following this incident resolution process will help you effectively manage DNS incidents and maintain the availability of your domain.

Why use DNS monitoring?

DNS monitoring offers several benefits for both website owners and users. Some reasons to consider DNS monitoring include:

  • Early detection of issues: DNS monitoring allows you to identify problems before they impact your website's accessibility. By proactively monitoring DNS records, you can address issues promptly and minimize downtime.
  • Protection against DDoS attacks: DNS monitoring helps detect and mitigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeting your domain. By monitoring DNS responses and detecting abnormal traffic patterns, you can take appropriate measures to protect your website.
  • Prevention of DNS poisoning: DNS monitoring helps safeguard against DNS poisoning attacks, where malicious actors manipulate DNS records to redirect users to fraudulent websites. By monitoring DNS responses and detecting unauthorized changes, you can prevent such attacks and protect your users' security.

Benefits and drawbacks of DNS monitoring

Consider the following benefits and drawbacks of DNS monitoring:


  • Early detection of DNS issues and timely resolution.
  • Improved website availability and reduced downtime.
  • Enhanced security against DNS-related attacks.
  • Proactive monitoring of DNS changes and configurations.
  • Improved user experience and customer satisfaction.


  • Additional resource utilization for continuous monitoring.
  • Reliance on DNS monitoring tools and services.
  • Complexity in managing and interpreting DNS monitoring alerts.

Considering these factors will help you assess the value of DNS monitoring for your specific needs.

Where does DNS monitoring fit in the synthetic monitoring setup?

DNS monitoring plays a crucial role in synthetic monitoring, which involves simulating user interactions with a website or application. It ensures that DNS resolution is working correctly and provides insights into the overall health and performance of your web infrastructure. DNS monitoring complements other synthetic monitoring components, such as uptime monitoring and API monitoring, to offer comprehensive visibility into your website's availability and accessibility.

How to start DNS monitoring in 2 minutes with Palzin Monitor?

Getting started with DNS monitoring using Palzin Monitor is quick and simple. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Monitors and click on Create monitor.
  2. Select "When DNS records get changed" as the alert condition.
  3. Enter the domain name you want to monitor.
  4. Select the type of DNS record you want to retrieve (A, AAAA, MX, etc.).
  5. Choose your preferred alerting options, such as phone call, SMS, email, or mobile app push notification.
  6. Configure any additional escalation options if needed.
  7. Click on Create monitor to start DNS monitoring.

By following these steps, you can set up DNS monitoring for your domain in just a couple of minutes using Palzin Monitor.


DNS monitoring is essential for maintaining the availability and integrity of your domain's DNS records. By leveraging DNS monitoring tools like Palzin Monitor, you can proactively detect DNS incidents, safeguard against attacks, and ensure the smooth functioning of your website. Incorporate DNS monitoring into your monitoring strategy to enhance your DNS infrastructure's reliability and provide a seamless user experience.

Last updated: 1 second ago

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