Integrate Palzin Monitor with Scout

Integrate Palzin Monitor with Scout

How to get Phone, SMS and Slack alerts from Scout apm?

Service and integration

Make sure to add the Scout-apm integration and copy the webhook.

Create integration and service on our dashboard

Using the Webhook with Scout-apm

Step 1

From the dashboard, select Alert & Notification Groups


Step 2

Copy URL from your palzin instance service view page.


Add a new Webhook

Step 3

Paste the Palzin Monitor Webhook.

Add a new Webhook from the notification channel dashboard.


Add a new group

Step 4

Add a new notification group from the notification group dashboard.


In your palzin instance, an incident will be created. That will contain these details.

      "id": 15626,
      "org_id": 1026,
      "app_id": 1847,
      "app_name": "test",
      "alert_condition_id": 2865,
      "url": "",
      "kind": "closable",
      "continued_at": "2021-01-10T11:18:59.999Z",
      "started_at": "2021-01-10T11:18:00.000Z",
      "closed_at": null,
      "open": true,
      "description": "errors >= 0.0 /min",
      "metric": " errors",
      "threshold": ">= 0.0 /min"
Last updated: 1 year ago

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