Integrate Palzin Monitor with Wekhooks

Integrate Palzin Monitor with Wekhooks

Use Palzin Monitor's webhook and create an incident from your code.

Create an incident using our webhooks integration

Each webhook is unique to the service and escalation policy. Make sure you create a webhook integration and copy the webhook URL. Know how.

From your code, you can create an incident simply by making a POST request.



Create an incident

The above request will create a new incident. Please make sure you have used the correct webhook URL. If you have copied the URL from the dashboard then the token **** should already be present. A new incident is created soon as make a POST request. A successful request will get you 200 HTTP response status code.

When is a new incident NOT created?

If the integration has an open incident (not resolved state) __ with the same title then a new incident will NOT be created.

What is the title's significance?

The title plays an important role really. A new incident will use this title and it will be sent on all alter channels. The title acts as a unique identifier to perform group actions, suppress repeated incidents and also to auto-resolve them.

What happens if I miss adding a title?

Failing to add title would create incidents with no message. This also means that it will NOT group, suppress or auto-resolve these incidents.

We highly recommend you add a title to your POST request while creating an incident



Auto-resolve incident

The above request will automatically resolve incidents. We use the title and the token to uniquely get open incidents and resolve them.

All you need is to add the status parameter as 'resolve' in your POST request. The rest of the parameters are the same as creating incident request.

Make sure to have the same title while resolving, otherwise it won't work.

Last modified 1mo ago

Last updated: 1 year ago

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