Integrate Palzin Monitor with Ghost Inspector

Integrate Palzin Monitor with Ghost Inspector

Service and Integration

Make sure you have the service and integration already setup for Ghost Inspector. Follow the link below on instructions of how to create integration and service

Create integration and service on our dashboard

Using Webhooks with Ghost Inspector


Navigate to Account Settings from the dashboard.

Then go to Notifications.


Step 2

Copy URL from your palzin instance service view page.


Step 3

Paste the Palzin Monitor webhook URL and Save.


In your palzin instance, an incident will be created. That will contain these details.

    "type": "result",
    "data": {
        "_id": "random-id",
        "autoRetry": false,
        "autoRetryTriggered": false,
        "browser": "chrome-79",
        "commentCount": 0,
        "comments": [],
        "console": [
                "_id": "random-console-id",
                "dateExecuted": "2020-01-24T22:35:38.468Z",
                "error": false,
                "output": "An <img> element was lazyloaded with loading=lazy, but had no dimensions specified. Specifying dimensions improves performance. See",
                "url": ""
        "dateCreated": "2020-01-24T22:35:31.256Z",
        "dateExecutionFinished": "2020-01-24T22:35:44.348Z",
        "dateExecutionStarted": "2020-01-24T22:35:36.451Z",
        "deleted": false,
        "disableVisuals": false,
        "disallowInsecureCertificates": false,
        "endUrl": "",
        "executionHost": "",
        "executionTime": 7897,
        "failOnJavaScriptError": false,
        "filters": [],
        "finalDelay": 0,
        "globalStepDelay": 250,
        "language": null,
        "maxAjaxDelay": 10000,
        "maxWaitDelay": 15000,
        "name": "Login and Check Dashboard",
        "organization": {
            "_id": "random-id",
            "name": "Ghost Inspector"
        "passing": true,
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "screenshot": {
            "original": {
                "defaultUrl": "",
                "dims": {
                    "h": 2708,
                    "w": 1024
                "path": "screenshots/random-original.png",
                "size": 221486
            "small": {
                "defaultUrl": "",
                "dims": {
                    "h": 846,
                    "w": 320
                "path": "screenshots/random-small.png",
                "size": 70909
        "screenshotCompareBaselineResult": {
            "_id": "random-id",
            "screenshot": {
                "original": {
                    "defaultUrl": "",
                    "dims": {
                        "h": 2708,
                        "w": 1024
                    "path": "screenshots/random-original.png",
                    "size": 221486
                "small": {
                    "defaultUrl": "",
                    "dims": {
                        "h": 846,
                        "w": 320
                    "path": "screenshots/random-small.png",
                    "size": 70909
        "screenshotCompareDifference": 0,
        "screenshotCompareEnabled": true,
        "screenshotComparePassing": true,
        "screenshotCompareThreshold": 0.01,
        "startUrl": "",
        "steps": [
                "_id": "random-id",
                "command": "click",
                "condition": null,
                "dateExecuted": "2020-01-24T22:35:40.954Z",
                "extra": {
                    "source": {
                        "sequence": 0,
                        "test": "random-test-id"
                "notes": "",
                "optional": false,
                "passing": true,
                "private": false,
                "sequence": 0,
                "target": ".site-logo a",
                "url": "",
                "value": "",
                "variableName": ""
                "_id": "random-id",
                "command": "open",
                "condition": null,
                "dateExecuted": "2020-01-24T22:35:42.754Z",
                "extra": {
                    "source": {
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "test": "random-test-id"
                "notes": "",
                "optional": false,
                "passing": true,
                "private": false,
                "sequence": 1,
                "target": "",
                "url": "",
                "value": "/docs/",
                "variableName": ""
        "suite": {
            "_id": "random-id",
            "name": "Smoke Tests"
        "suiteResult": null,
        "test": {
            "_id": "random-test-id",
            "name": "Login and Check Dashboard",
            "organization": "random-org-id",
            "suite": "random-id"
        "urls": [
        "user": {
            "_id": "random-org-id",
            "name": "Justin Klemm"
        "uuid": "random",
        "video": {
            "dims": {
                "h": 768,
                "w": 1024
            "path": "videos/random.mp4",
            "url": ""
        "viewportSize": {
            "height": 768,
            "width": 1024
Last updated: 1 year ago

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