Symfony Configuration


Customize the monitoring strategy in your Symfony application.

You can customize how Palzin Monitor (APM) collects data within your Symfony application by using the following bundle options.


You can turn monitoring on or off for your application. By default, it is set to true:

	ingestion_key: '%env(PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY)%'
	url: '%env(PALZIN_APM_URL)%'
	enabled: true

Unhandled exceptions

You can control whether unhandled exceptions are reported or not. By default, it is set to true:

	ingestion_key: '%env(PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY)%'
	url: '%env(PALZIN_APM_URL)%'
	unhandled_exceptions: true


You can enable or disable monitoring of database statements. By default, it is set to true:

	ingestion_key: '%env(PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY)%'
	url: '%env(PALZIN_APM_URL)%'
	query: true
	query_bindings: true

The query_bindings option allows you to collect the content of the parameters binded to a query.

Ignore transactions

You may have parts of your application that you do not want to monitor, such as internal or maintenance-related components that do not impact the user experience in production. Palzin Monitor (APM) provides options to ignore such transactions.

Ignore URLs

You can exclude specific URLs from monitoring. Add the following ignore_urls option to your config/packages/palzin.yaml file:

	ingestion_key: '%env(PALZIN_APM_INGESTION_KEY)%'
	url: '%env(PALZIN_APM_URL)%'
		- '_wdt'
		- '_profiler'
		- '_profiler_home'
		- '_profiler_search'
		- '_profiler_search_bar'
		- '_profiler_phpinfo'
		- '_profiler_search_results'
		- '_profiler_open_file'
		- '_profiler_router'
		- '_profiler_exception'
		- '_profiler_exception_css'

The above example shows some URLs that are excluded by default. You can add your own URLs as needed.

Ignore Commands

You can ignore specific commands by adding the command's defaultName to the ignore_commands collection in the config/packages/palzin.yaml file:

	ingestion_key: '%env(PALZIN_APM__INGESTION_KEY)%'
	url: '%env(PALZIN_APM_URL)%'
		- 'app:create-user'

Feel free to add more commands to the ignore_commands list as required.

Last updated: 1 year ago

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